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06 Octubre 2020

COVID-19: The Biggest Cold Chain Supply Disruption Pharma Has Ever Faced

FREE Webinar on Tuesday 20 October 2020, 15:00 BST | 16:00 CEST | 10:00 EDT

Distributing and administering a COVID-19 vaccine remains a real challenge and everyone involved is in a state of uncertainty as to the initial results, stability data and recommendations. The pressure is on to deal as effectively as possible with the biggest challenge the pharmaceutical supply chain has ever faced. The SARS-CoV-2 virus has truly disrupted existing supply chains. However, vaccine distribution and storage will be a key factor in the success of vaccination campaigns.

For now, it's anybody's guess as to which temperature range the product will be at (+2°C/+8°C, -15°C/-25°C, below -40°C, below -70°C...).

How can we prepare ourselves for the tsunami of air freight shipments when it hits the logistics shores, or rather, the tarmac?

Furthermore, there will be shortages throughout the air transport industry affecting all other pharmaceutical products. How can we mitigate? What are the alternatives for a good backup?

In this webinar, Stéphanie Fitt, EMBALL’ISO Europe's Head of Sales, will explain how reusable passive isothermal solutions can be a key element for the air freight distribution of vaccines and other pharmaceuticals in COVID-19.

Sign up for free to this webinar to:

  • Evaluate how to overcome supply chain challenges by implementing a 'reuse' strategy
  • Learn how implementing a 'reuse' strategy can also help lower supply chain costs and decrease CO2 emissions
  • Understand how a reusable passive isothermal solution is key for successful transportation of vaccines and other pharmaceutical products
Please click here to register.

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