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03 Noviembre 2020

Rapid Vaccine Distribution to Over 7.5 Billion Humans

When a COVID-19 vaccine is developed and ready for distribution it will, in all likelihood, require cold chain services.

But, what environmental and economic costs will be attached to this logistical endeavour?

Who would have said a year ago that disruptions to supply chains, and more broadly, our way of life, would not come from a new company, a start-up, or a new economic model, but rather from a virus? The disruption caused by COVID-19 has been extensive, we cannot control its spread, and we do not understand its behaviour. How it affects our health varies from person to person for unknown reasons, and may include mild symptoms, severe symptoms, or even asymptotic cases in individuals who spread the virus unknowingly.

Let’s read the entire article.

This article is taken from Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Packing Sourcer November 2020, pages 10-11. © Samedan Ltd

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