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08 Noviembre 2021

WEBINAR: Sustainability in Cold Chain Logistics

Reuse of passive Pallet shipper footprint advantage and local services

Stéphanie Fitt, Head of Sales Europe and Ingrid Riklin, Business Development Manager - Swizerland will hold a webinar on Sustainability in Cold Chain Logistics.

They will explain how Reverse Logistics Management is key for maintaining cost efficient supply chain networks and lower carbon footprint. They will delve into how effective reuse of isothermal passive pallet shippers can reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and improve supply chain efficiency, as well as share best practices for building the best business model dedicated to your needs.
Key Learning Objectives

  • Understand how reused passive isothermal packaging can help dramatically decrease CO2 emissions
  • Understand how to significantly reduce your logistics costs by implementing a reuse and reverse strategy
  • Learn from case studies the benefits of Reuse and Reverse strategy but also the challenges and best practices for a successful implementation
  • Understand the importance of the global network and services to overcome circular challenges

EMBALL’ISO welcomes you to take a look at our experiences with all of these challenges and hear how we have managed to provide solutions that make a difference.

There will be a live Q&A. This webinar will also be recorded and sent to everyone who registers (if you are not able to attend).

Register today for our webinar on November 18th (2 PM London time) and join them for an engaging discussion!

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